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Your guide to 

by Dr. Ina Weinbauer-Heidel

& Masha Ibeschitz-Manderbach



The levers of transfer effectiveness represent the gist of scientific research for HR practitioners. Once familiar with them, you will know what determines transfer success and how to manage it.


This book presents a conclusive framework based on a solid scientific foundation, along with more than 50 tools and interventions that HR developers, training providers and trainers can use to maximize the effectiveness of any training course or program


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„A must-read for anyone who wants to make sure training investments will pay off.”


Robert O. Brinkerhoff-

Professor Emeritus, Western Michigan University”


“This book gives you the findings from a meticulous transfer of training literature review and turns them into practical steps. After reading this book, you WILL want to make changes to your training courses and the explanations from the research will give you the credibility you need to enlist others for help where needed.”

Paul Matthews -

Author, Speaker and Founder & Managing Partner at People Alchemy Ltd


Dr. Ina Weinbauer Heidel
Dr. Ina Weinbauer-Heidel


has been dedicating her professional career to understanding and improving the interface between transfer research and transfer practice. In her roles as a scientist, consultant, and trainer, as well as head of the Institute of Transfer Effectiveness in Austria, she works relentlessly to make scientific findings applicable in practice.

Masha Ibeschitz-Manderbach


is chief transfer enabler, management trainer, executive coach, reflection guide, and managing partner at a global firm specializing in executive development. The first person in Austria to become a Kirkpatrick Certified Facilitator (in 2015), she is authorized to issue the Kirkpatrick Four Levels® Evaluation Certifiction Program - Bronze Level.


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Institute for Transfer Effectiveness

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