The secret resource of the Transfer Community
Powered by bildunginnovator.de
In the Transfer Toolbox, the Transfer Community shares their best transfer tools
Transfer tools and interventions for all 12 levers of transfer effectiveness
Practically proven and tested by L&D practitioners
With implementation examples, templates, tips and tricks and experience reports from L&D practitioners

Make your training even more transfer effective.
This is possible with the Transfer Toolbox...
Quick success thanks to the tried and tested tools
Transfer tools tested by Dr. Ina Weinbauer-Heidel for direct implementation in your training
Immediately use tried and tested transfer tools that match the 12 levers of transfer effectiveness
Benefit from the practical experience of other Transfer Designers and L&D practitioners
Receive new transfer tools free of charge on a regular basis
Get answers to your burning transfer questions from our transfer experts.

The analog Transfer Toolbox
Access to the Online Transfer Toolbox
The 12 Levers Insider Videos
The Transfer Learner Journey Poster

That's inside...
The Transfer Toolbox includes the
The Book "What Makes Training Really Work"
The coveted booklet "12 Levers of Transfer Effectiveness Audit Questions"
The 12 lever card set transfer-effective order clarification
The 12 Levers One-Pagers with Best-Practice Transfer Tools for each lever of Transfer Effectiveness
The 12 levers of Transfer Effectiveness in a practical postcard format
The Transfer Journey Poster with stickers, roadblocks, matching post-it notes and glue stick for designing your Transfer Journeys (with your customer, your team or for yourself)

The Transfer Toolbox includes the
The secret resource where the Transfer Community continiously shares their best Transfer Tools
Transfer Tools for all 12 Levers of Transfer Effectiveness
Handpicked by Dr. Ina Weinbauer-Heidel
Practically proven and tested by L&D practitioners in real-life
With templates, implementation examples and experience reports from users
with currently more than 40 tools
and new tools and field reports are beeing added continously
In German & English
The Transfer Toolbox includes the
In the Transfer Living Room with Dr. Ina Weinbauer-Heidel
38 videos on all 12 levers of Transfer Effectiveness
The levers in a nutshell
The most important insights from research
How you can promote the levers
Tips & tools at one glance
With a direct connection to Ina for your individual questions

The Transfer Toolbox includes that
Making transfer effectiveness tangible
The Transfer Tool Box contains a poster with which you can systematically plan transfer effective learner journeys - alone, with your team and/or your clients
Visualise transfer strengths and potentials
Systematically plan the right Transfer Tools in your Learner Journey
The poster is the optimal visualisation and makes planning and managing transfer successes (tangible). The poster is reusable. The matching Post-Its, stickers and the practical removable glue stick are of course included in the Transfer Toolbox.

How much is it?
Your Transfer Toolbox comes direct to you
including the analog Transfer Toolbox
including the Online Transfer Toolbox
including the Transfer Insider Videos
including the Transfer Journey Poster
Single License
EUR 950,- (plus Tax)
Lifetime access for one user
Corporate License (medium)
EUR 1,950 (plus Tax)
Lifetime access for unlimited number of users for companies with less than 1,000 employees
Corporate License (big)
EUR 2,950 (plus Tax)
Lifetime access for an unlimited number of users for companies with more than 1,000 employees
Corporate License in your LMS (SCORM)
EUR 3,990 (plus Tax)
Lifetime access for an unlimited number of users for your company integrated in your LMS system
Each License includes one anlalog Toolbox
The Transfer Toolbox is hosted by our Partner Bildungsinnovator